
Text Message Alerts

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Please contact us so we can answer any questions you have about our integrated text message alerts.


(+62) 8896-2220



Text Message Alerts

Passenger Text Message Ride Alerts (or SMS alerts) are a standard feature of any modern dispatch and management solution.  Companies need to use a “kitchen sink” approach to solving the problem of automatically communicating with passengers when their ride status has changed.  Even though they serve a specific function for getting the jobs done, they can push your brand as well. Furthermore they can inform clients about promotions, service changes, or other information.  Even if you use them for the bare minimum they deliver your brand and contact information.  Hence you realize their inherent value.

  • Automatic ride updates via text message alerts
  • Decrease driver wait time at pick up, and keep your dispatcher free from “Where are they now?” phone calls
  • Maintain your brand identity with customized texts
  • Take advantage of an effective marketing medium to reach clients
  • Keep track of your usage through the PerGo Management portal